Monday, November 9, 2009

Airing some dirty laundry.

Yes, I know, its been a while. And while I've had a few bazillion amazing (and embarrassing) adventures since my last post, I haven't actually felt the uncontrollable urge to blog about any of them until now. Suddenly, though, I need to tell everyone my latest embarrassing underwear fiasco. Now, some of you might be aware that I, from time to time, get myself into these stupid situations that, even if resolved in the best of all possible ways, are still enough to make me blush. Today's fiasco, unfortunately, has a foreseeable resolution, and yet I still can't quite wrap my head around why it needed to go this way!!

So my sort-of-cousin Freeman and his wife Szilvia are moving from San Francisco to Hungary in a couple of weeks (she's from Budapest) and they had a sendoff party Saturday night. It just so happened that my parents had some Shriner business in Oakland on Saturday (yes, it involved a fez, and Jack Lalanne in fact, also), so I hitched a ride with them in the back of dad's minivan (no, thats not the embarrassing part, really) and Barted (is that a verb?) into the city - the master plan was that I would stay at Freeman's after the party and they would pick me up in the morning to brunch with more Campbells in Marin and then visit some Kenneys in Lafayette.

So the party was a smashing success involving many bottles of wine and good conversations with good people (reference my tweet about welding) and in the end, I went to bed and got up in the morning and took a shower and went on my merry way when my dad came to pick me up. Unfortunately, I remembered later I'd left my cell phone charger at the house. So via text message Sunday whilst brunching with
the Marin County Hot-Tubber Campbells we decided that it could be sent to me. Great.

But even more unfortunately, I learned via email from Freeman today that I had apparently inadvertently also left behind a pair of underwear after my shower. He made sure to mention for modesty's sake that he didn't see them, but Szilvia did, and put them in a bag, and they will send them to me with my cell phone charger. I replied, oh, no, how embarrassing, don't worry about sending them, seriously, just toss them and send me the charger. He replied, its no trouble at all, they are all packaged up, we'll send them. And I replied, no, really, please, just the charger. To which he replied was I sure? They could even use them as padding to wrap the charger. So...Aack! I replied something to the effect that if they are dead set on sending my dirty underwear through the mail, okay, sure, fine. And some time went by, and nothing, so I was hoping to just get the charger in the mail...alone. But now I have a new message - he says the package is on its way.

So, you know, I think its going to be slightly weird to receive my dirty underwear in the mail. I hope the package is secure and doesn't fall apart. I'd hate to receive it and see its been all mutilated and taped back together. I mean, it seems to me like the best of all possible scenarios would have been that if they found them, they would discreetly toss them and simply not say anything and then we all would have been perfectly happy. Not blissfully ignorant - just happy ignoring an embarrassing thing that seriously didn't need to be brought up ever!

In any event, there it is, I'm going to receive my own dirty underwear in the mail, probably wrapped around my cell phone charger. And my parents wore their fezzes and had dinner with Jack Lalanne.
And I ran into an old friend Bill from a past life, who said he was just thinking about me, isn't that strange! And I drank wine from a cat-shaped bottle and told all my funny welding stories and wished Freeman and Szilvia a happy first year abroad with a gifty calendar. And I visited with my silly relatives and then with my sophisticated relatives. And I endured a minivan drive with my parents. And now its Monday evening and I'm so tired!

So maybe I'll update a little more often. Maybe I'll tell you all about all the things going on in my wonderful life, like how I hope Kendall hurries up and comes home from the east coast again, and how I'm excited for Melyssa's wedding in Vegas before new years, and how I wonder what Caty will do if she'll get some new roommates in Hawaii or if she'll figure something else out, and how Jenny's baby shower is next weekend and Baby Josie is due next month and its all very exciting but I'm still not sure how its going to work with me being an aunt and everything, and how I called to tell her this story but didn't really trust her not to have me on speakerphone like the time I called to talk about waxing and didn't know she had me on speaker in the squad car with her partner, but I told the story anyway and was reassured that she was the only person in the room by the fact that it was very quiet and I know if Justin was there he wouldn't have been able to help but offer unsolicited interjections. All I know is I hope I don't have any more embarrassing underwear stories. But who am I kidding?


  1. Just an update - I received my underwear in the mail today :)

  2. So, was the charger wrapped in the underwear? And if so, will you ever look at the charger the same way again? I was kinda hoping the story was going to take a turn where you found yourself loaded on red wine and welding IN your underwear. Now THAT would have been a story.

  3. Thats funny! So do you laugh now everytime someone ask to borrow your charger ;-)
