Saturday, February 28, 2009

Is it the economy?

Or is it just the lame-o lame-ness of every business and event planned in Fresno???? We are consumers that have money which we would like to exchange for goods and services, but the businesses we solicit for such exchange can't seem to figure out how to cooperate.

So the Rogue Festival is in full swing this weekend and there are shows starting practically every hour at a number of Tower District venues. So why was it so effing impossible to find a place to have lunch today or a drink in the afternoon???!!! Seriously! Jenny and I wanted to make the Rent show at Severance on Wishon at 1pm. So we thought we'd lunch at Mr. Sushi at noon. Wrong, Mr. Sushi was closed. Oh, well, we'll walk down to Million Elephant. Which, by the way, we will now pronounce "MILLON" (sans the i) like in Slumdog Millionaire. Closed! So we walked across the street to the Chicken Pie Shop which is usually a great choice for a Sat morning greasefest, but you need time to eat there. So we finally got served at 12:45 and figured, well, we won't make Rent, so we'll go to Ed's art showing at Ashtree Studio at 2:30. So we left lunch (which was actually breakfast mmmmbreakfast), walked past the ice cream shop, which was also closed, btw, which is stupid because it was a beautiful warm sunny day and tons of people out and about probably would have loved to sample some local Fresno State or Superior Dairy ice cream...anyway, we shopped around the hippie store (Brass Unicorn) (where I signed up for belly dancing again) and Karen's Keepsakes (where Jenny was able to at least purchase a birthday card for Carrie) and then thought, well, we have about 30 more min to kill - where to go? How about a chardonnay at Vini's? They're bound to be open, right? They are a Rogue venue and are in between shows, plus there is obviously something going on outside on the patio. Wrong again! Not open. They have a private party on the patio and the bar is closed. There is even a Rogue booth out front and the door open, but the bar is not open.

Seriously, Fresno?? The only time when people from all over town and even from out of town come down to this area and every business we attempt to support is closed??? Aaaaack!

I will also call to reference the failure of Fulton Plaza Thursdays. What a great idea, right? Lets take a depressed mall that has nothing but nostalgia on its side and bring people with money to spend to it. We'll have a beergarden and a band and some taco booths. Great. Are any of the stores open????? No. The stores have not stayed open past 5 or 6pm for years. Its too dangerous. So even if I wanted to shop at the zapateria or buy an 18k gold Raiders necklace, I can't. So this time, lets try it on Kern Street - maybe if we put some multi-millon dollar lights in the trees, it will work. Maybe.

So, way to go, Fresno. Way to work with the businesses and would-be consumers to encourage the local economy. And yes, I used the word "encourage" rather than the word "stimulate." Hahaha stimulate.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Today's hectic craziness

Today was hectic craziness at work!! I was self help at the courthouse and today was unofficially bring-your-snotty-wailing-soggy-cracker-bearing-screaming-children-to-court day - emphasis on the snotty, wailing, soggy crackers, and screaming. In addition it was also my-problem-is-way-more-complicated-than-I-originally-made-it-sound day. Oh, you didn't mention about the restraining order. Yes, it matters. Oh, the children have different fathers. Yes, it matters. Oh, you're not divorced. Yes, it matters. Oh, you got remarried but you didnt finish your first divorce. Yes, it matters. Oh, you have a restraining order. No, you can't go to her house and talk to her. Aack. And by the way, this is not legal advice. Only an attorney can provide legal advice and strategy. I can explain about your case but I cannot tell you what you should or shouldn't do. I can provide options but I can't tell you which one to choose. Thats right, I'm the jerk that made your case so complicated. Its all me. Aack.

So I was lamenting the fact that I don't have any beer in my refrigerator when I realized that I have wine, which goes better with my salami and cheese plate anyway! But now that its 6:30 I've accomplished only the cheese plate with salami and wine, but not figured out any actual dinner.

Okay it is now 7 and I opted for toaster waffles with butter and blackberry honey and a big glass of milk. In fact, I think I'll have another. So dinner was good. A little classy, a little trashy, but what can I say? I'm just not that creative.

Also, now that its 7:15 its officially homework time since I have an assignment due tomorrow that truth be told I'm not even sure what it is and I haven't done the reading for either. Great. Here goes!

Oh, before I go - just heard that Jess has appendicitis - oh no! I hope the surgery goes smoothly!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Mai Tai Evening (kind of)

Well, it wasn't really mine - I was DD it seems - which is fine, since I wasn't even really planning on going out Sat night and I'd already flaked on one friend but since Mason is only in town on occasion these days and he was in my 'hood I figured I'd better go! So there was some crazy band playing at Starline and there were a ton of pierced spiky-looking kids hanging around outside (pretty standard for the venue LOL) and I'd heard some dudes at Save Mart talking about this show...anyway! So I get there and its Mason and Jimmy and a couple other big-burly-biker-bouncer-type dudes whose names escape me (even though one of them even had a name patch on his jacket) and what are they drinking? Mai Tais. Now, I held off commenting for as long as I could, but finally I had to say something ... lets just say it didn't go over real well! I wanted to call up the girl-drink-drunk kid in the hall, but I think they really wouldn't have like that. My amusement counts for nothing I guess. And maybe you had to be there. Oh snap, I hate to tell you had to be there stories, but look I just did. Sorry. To make up for it, here's the girl drink drunk.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rogue schedule!

So because of my homework situation I figure I'd better get organized and plan the next couple of weeks as if I'm one of those people that plans things according to a set schedule. There's a first time for everything, right? Every time I think its a good idea to use a purse calendar or email based type thing it just doesn't work - if I'm not thinking about the event right now because its tomorrow, I will likely forget. But not this time! So these are the Rogue shows that I definitely want to see, and also some shows that I'd like to see but won't die if I don't:

1. The Rap Guide to Evolution. This is the guy that did the Rap Canterbury Tales last year - which I missed, but J said it was fantastic. So this one is at the top of my list. I'm thinking the Friday 6pm show.

2. Abigail Nolte. I think she's great. Maybe I can catch this Saturday's show before the unveiling of Chad's home-brewing adventures!

3. Rent. I heart Rent! Doesn't everyone?? Plus the tunes are so catchy! Sat 1pm at Severance -

4. Bipolarity of Life. Everybody's always talking about this guy and I've seen him around at local events but haven't had a chance to actually meet him - I think he was one of us at the Tweet-up and at Palomino's last night but still no meet. Anyway, would like to see this show. Wednesday the 4th would be the only date I could go, but if I procrastinate too much (if, right) I may not make it. Sigh.

5. Looks Good, Fresno. Ed's show - a talented and insightful guy. For this one I'll try to make it to the Rogue-Hop show on Thurs night. My class always prevents me from going ArtHopping so I totally wanna Rogue-Hop! Now, if Sarah and Carolyn will go, we'll pack some bubbly in our purses and ... well, I'm sure you'll hear about the rest!

6. Charlie and the Chocolate Porno Factory - Oh holy shit I wasn't even going to notice this except that I was looking through the venue site ... anyway, this is one of my dad's old friends (watch out!) and I'm wondering how its going to go when he sees me (and hopefully my dad) in the audience ... LOL this should be great. Friday night at Vini's: You know, on second thought, I probably shouldn't bring my dad, and maybe I should wear a wig and be incognito. Yikes! Then again, I'm sure I could stop by Tom's Trains any day or Revue early in the morning and hear the stories, oh, the stories!

Well, this is probably more Rogue than I've made it to in years, but I hope I can catch these at least!! Over and out! And if you think I should add any to the list, let me know!